
Mobile Cultures and Societies: A Decade of Interdisciplinary Mobility Studies at the University of Vienna

05.10.2023 17:30

Final Symposium of the Research Platform Mobile Cultures and Societies

The Research Platform "Mobile Cultures and Societies: Interdisciplinary Studies on Transnational Formations" is pleased to announce that the final symposium "Mobile Cultures and Societies: A Decade of Interdisciplinary Mobility Studies at the University of Vienna" will take place on the 5th and the 6th of October 2023.

We are glad to welcome Prof. Heidrun Friese as a keynote speaker! She will discuss the "Ambivalent Mobilities" on the 5th of October at 6 pm. On the second day of the symposium, doctoral students of the platform will present their preliminary research results. We will conclude the event with the panel discussion "Potentials and Challenges for Future Interdisciplinary Mobility Studies Research" at 4pm.

Talks and keynotes will take place at Schreyvogelsaal. During the breaks we cordially invite the participants to refresh themselves at our buffet at Jura Soyfer-Saal.


Online-registration is closed.
If you still want to participate, please write an E-mail to:



Thursday, October 5, 2023

18.00: Welcoming Words

Alexandra Ganser (Head of the Research Platform)
Patrick Sakdapolrak (Deputy Head of the Research Platform)

18.30: Keynote - Ambivalences of Mobility

Speaker: Heidrun Friese (TU Chemnitz)
Moderation: Patrick Sakdapolrak

hybrid live streaming available via Zoom:
Meeting-ID: 610 2121 0124
ID-Code: 651190

20.00 Reception ­­- Jura Soyfer Saal

Friday, October 6, 2023

09.30: Check-in and Coffee

10.00: Social Science Perspectives on Mobility Studies

Im/Mobile Aspirations and Trajectories within the Context of the Uruguayan National Relocation Plan
Jana Donat

Between Eastern Province and Lusaka: Social and Spatial Im/Mobilities of Women in Zambia since the 1950s
Daniela Atanasova

The Impact of Translocal Social Remittances on the Environment in Morocco
Rachael Diniega

Investigating Gender Relations through Policy Im/Mobilities Lens. The Case of Financial Literacy Education in Austria
Dovaine Buschmann

Discussant: Edma Ajanovic
Moderator: Birgit Sauer

12.00: Lunch Break - Jura Soyfer Saal

13.30: Humanities Perspectives on Mobility

Mobilizing the Dead? De-Extinction and the Resurrection of Species
Romana Bund

Bewegter Stillstand im Werk Marlen Haushofers
Nicola Kopf

Archipelagic Poetics of Mobility in Contemporary Caribbean Poetry
Barbara Gföllner

Discussant: Heidrun Friese
Moderators: Annegret Pelz and Thomas Macho

15.30: Coffee Break - Jura Soyfer Saal

16.00: Potentials and Challenges for Future Interdisciplinary Mobility Studies Research: Panel Discussion

Petra Dannecker
Kirsten Rüther
Immanuel Harisch
Barbara Maly-Bowie
Nicola Kopf
Rachael Diniega
Moderator: Alexandra Ganser



Schreyvogelsaal, Hofburg, Batthyanystiege 26, 1010 Vienna (Entrance Sisi Museum)