Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alexandra Ganser-Blumenau

Professur für Amerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik

E-Mail: alexandra.ganser@univie.ac.at 

T: +43 1 4277-42414

  • Astrocultures, Astrofuturism, mobility futures: project "Colonizing Mars: Planetary Settlement in Contemporary American Culture"
  • US-American, Anglophone Caribbean, and Canadian maritime literatures & cultures:
    • Im/mobilization and necropolitics: project "Narratives of Flight in Contemporary North American Cross-Oceanic Refugee Literatures"
  • Transnational, transatlantic American studies & the Black Atlantic
  • Cultural studies/theory, American popular culture, historical popular culture studies, visual culture
  • Gender studies
  • Native American and First Nations studies 
  • Ecocriticism
Ganser, Alexandra ""The Coastal Figuration of the Caribbean Pirate in the Late-Seventeenth Century.""., Horatschek, Anna-Margaretha Rosenberg, Yvonne Schäbler, Daniel (Hrsg.). Navigating Cultural Spaces. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi B.V. 2014, 135-155.

Ganser, Alexandra "Navigating Little Italy: Carceral Mobility in Martin Scorsese's Mean Streets"., Butler, M. Gurr, J. Kaltmeier, O. (Hrsg.). EthniCities: Metropolitan Cultures and Ethnic Identities in the Americas. Trier: Unknown publisher. 2011, 139-154.

Ganser, Alexandra "War Wounds: Bodily Inscriptions of Trauma and Cultural Memory in Silko's Ceremony". Fellner, A. M. (Hrsg.). Body Signs: The Body in Latino/a Cultural Production. Wien: LIT Verlag. 2011, 103-121.

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