Authors' Workshop for the Edited Volume "Human, Intellectual and Cultural Im/Mobilities between Africa and the Caribbean"

08.11.2019 09:30 - 10.11.2019 17:00


As editors of the volume Human, Intellectual and Cultural Im/Mobilities between Africa and the Caribbean: From the Late 19th Century to the Present, to be published with Routledge, we will organize a three day intensive workshop for contributing authors.

The joint discussions and plenary sessions will be used to collectively work on the draft chapters and to situate them even stronger within the field of mobility research. Moreover, the workshop sessions will contribute towards a coherent volume which truly engages in trans-disciplinary dialogue. The workshop will serve as an excellent opportunity for networking and further increase the international visibility of our "Mobile Cultures and Socities" platform.

We are delighted to announce that the research platform "Mobile Cultures and Societies" as well as the Deans Office of the Philological and Cultural Faculty via the Department of African Studies contributed funds to help with the organizing of this event and subsidize participants' travel from African and Caribbean countries to the workshop venue in Vienna.

Birgit Englert, Immanuel Harisch, Sigrid Thomsen
Hofburg, Batthyanystiege 26, 1010 Wien