Panel: "Refugee Writings and Forms of Displacement"

02.05.2019 14:00

Panel at Conference "Forms of Migration: An International Conference on Transnationalism and Aesthetics (May 2-4, 2019)

Refugee Writings and Forms of Displacement 

Chair: David Hucek (University of Graz)

14:00-15:30, Room A (Palais Kottulinsky)


Alexandra Ganser (University of Vienna, Austria):
“Maritime Flight in Contemporary Refugee Novels from the U.S. and Canada”

Helen Oberzaucher (University of Vienna, Austria):
“Forms of In-betweeness in Le Ly Hayslip’s When Heaven and Earth Changed Places

Kevin Potter (University of Vienna, Austria): “Regimes of Motility in Shaijla Patel’s Migritude

Sigrid Thomsen (University of Vienna, Austria):
“Crises of Leaving and Staying in Edwidge Danticat’s Short Fiction”


Link to the conference program