Mag.a Barbara Gföllner
Mag.a Barbara Gföllner
Projektmitarbeiterin (prae-doc) / FWF doc.funds
Telefon: +43-1-4277-25604
- Karibische Lyrik
- Afroamerikanische Literatur
- Gender Theorien
- Postkoloniale und dekoloniale Theorien
- Archipelagic Studies
- Frankophone Literatur
Curriculum vitae
Studium der Amerikanistik/Anglistik und Romanistik an der Universität Wien, Diplomarbeit: "The Hate They Give": Black Lives Matter in Contemporary Young Adult Literature (2018). Auslandssemester an der Université des Antilles, Frankreich/Martinique.
Gföllner B. Naila Keleta-Mae. Performing Female Blackness. Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien. 2025;75:172-174. 75.
Atanasova D, Bund R, Buschmann D, Diniega R, Donat J, Gföllner B et al. Entangled Future Im/mobilities. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mobility Studies. 2024. Epub 2024 Mai 6. doi: 10.14361/9783839473801-002
Kopf N, Gföllner B, Donat J, Diniega R, Buschmann D, Bund R et al. Introduction. Entangled Future Im/mobilities. in Entangled Future Im/Mobilities. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mobility Studies. 2024
Gföllner B, Ganser-Blumenau A. Astropelagic Afrofuturism: Outer Space Im/mobilities in Canisia Lubrin’s ‘Voodoo Hypothesis’. in Atanasova D, Bund R, Buschmann D, Diniega R, Donat J, Gföllner B, Kopf N, Hrsg., Entangled Future Im/Mobilities. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. 2024 doi: 10.14361/9783839473801-003
Gföllner B. Toward a poetics of the abyss: Suspending wor(l)ds. Dialogues in Human Geography . 2024. doi: 10.1177/20438206241240220
Gföllner B. The Long Emancipation: Moving Toward Black Freedom by Rinaldo Walcott (review). University of Toronto Quarterly: a Canadian journal of the humanities. 2023 Aug;92(3):372-373. 3.
Gföllner B. 'We Are Still Here Holding Fast': Stillness in the Wake of Hurricane Irma in Richard Georges' 'Epiphaneia'. Island Studies Journal. 2023 Mai;18(1):143-160. Epub 2022 Dez. doi: 10.24043/isj.411
Ganser-Blumenau A, (ed.), Gföllner B, (ed.), Pisarz-Ramirez G, (ed.), Wöll S, (ed.). Archipelagic Spaces and Im/mobilities. 2023.
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