'They Were Home. They Were Far from Home': Cultural Im/Mobilities in Contemporary Caribbean Diaspora Literature

Sigrid Thomsen, BA BA MA
Supervisors: Univ.-Prof. Dr.in Alexandra Ganser-Blumenau; Univ.-Prof. i. R. Annegret Pelz

In the works of Caribbean-North-American writers Edwidge Danticat, Roxane Gay, Junot Díaz, Dany Laferrière, and Jamaica Kincaid, different kinds of mobility are entangled – geographic im/mobilities between the Caribbean on the one hand and the U.S. and Canada on the other hand not only take place in the form of migration, remigration, and family visits, but go hand in hand with linguistic mobility between English and Spanish, French, or Haitian Krèyol. In addition, these geographic and linguistic im/mobilities are entangled with imaginative mobilities: Characters either imagine or remember mobility, and the texts navigate these imaginative mobilities on the level of form. My dissertation explores this nexus of geographic and imaginative im/mobilities and as such makes a contribution to the imaginative in Mobility Studies.