Daniela Atanasova BA MA

Project assistant (prae-doc) / FWF doc.funds

Email: daniela.atanasova@univie.ac.at

Phone: +43-1-4277-25604

PhD Thesis

The spatial and social (im)mobilities of women in Zambia since 1964


Research interests
  • Inequality and social mobility
  • Women’s history, gender history
  • History of Zambia and Southern Africa
  • Oral history
Curriculum vitae

Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature from St. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, with a yearlong study-abroad stay at Duke University. MA in Global Studies at the University of Vienna and the University of Wroclaw. Research internship at the Southern African Institute for Policy and Research in Lusaka, Zambia.


Kopf N, Gföllner B, Donat J, Diniega R, Buschmann D, Bund R et al. Introduction. Entangled Future Im/mobilities. In Entangled Future Im/Mobilities. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mobility Studies. 2024

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