Univ.-Prof. Dr. Patrick Sakdapolrak

Patrick Sakdapolrak

Department of Geography and Regional Research

Universitätsstraße 7/5
1010 Wien

Tel.: +43-1-4277-48730

Email: patrick.sakdapolrak@univie.ac.at


My research field is at the interface of population dynamics, environmental change and development processes, with a focus on the topics of migration and displacement as well as health and disease. The central theme of my research is the question of how vulnerable groups live with risk. My Ph.D. thesis is based on field research in slum settlements in India, where the inhabitants have significant higher mortality and morbidity rates than the rest of the urban population. I have investigated how these poor urban groups cope with and adapt to environmental and social stresses. My current research on migration-environment relationships in Kenya and Thailand addresses the question how migration alters the way people at places of origin deal with the environment and climate change. I have the aim to pursue sound theoretical and empirical research which is relevant for wider society. I have studied Geography and Development Research in Heidelberg and Wollongong, Australia, and received my doctorate degree at Bonn University.

Research Interests
  • Conceptual: vulnerability, resilience, livelihoods, translocality, Bourdieu's Practice-Theory
  • Thematic: human-environment-relations, migration and displacement, health and disease
  • Regional: South Asia (India), South-East Asia (Thailand), East Africa (Kenia)
Sakdapolrak P, Seyler T, Prasad SS. Measuring the local burden of diarrhoeal disease among slum dwellers in the megacity Chennai, South India. In Krämer A, Khan MH, Kraas F, editors, Health in megacities and urban areas. Springer. 2011. p. 87-100

Sakdapolrak P. Vom Überlebenskampf zur kulturellen Praktik. Eine Fallstudie zur internationalen Arbeitsmigration aus Thailand. In Reese N, Welkmann J, editors, Das Echo der Migration: Wie Auslandsmigration die Gesellschaft im globalen Süden verändert. Horlemann Verlag . 2010. p. 50-59

Sakdapolrak P, Bohle HG, Etzold B, Keck M. Adaptive food governance. IHDP Update. 2009;53-58.

Sakdapolrak P, Butsch C, Etzold B. The megacity resilience framework. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), 2009.

Sakdapolrak P, Butsch C, Carter RL, Cojocaru MD, Etzold B, Kirschor N et al. The megacity resilience framework. In Bohle HG, Warner K, editors, Megacities: Resilience and Social Vulnerability. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). 2008. p. 10-19. (SOURCE Studies Of the University: Research, Counsel, Education; No. 10).

Sakdapolrak P. Water related health risks, social vulnerability and Pierre Bourdieu. In Warner K, editor, Perspectives on Social Vulnerability. Bonn: United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). 2007. p. 50-59. (SOURCE Studies Of the University: Research, Counsel, Education; No. 6).

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