Univ.-Prof. Dr.in Petra Dannecker, M.A.

Professor for Development Sociology

Institut für Internationale Entwicklung
Sensengasse 3/2/2, 1090 Wien

Email: petra.dannecker@univie.ac.at

Short CV

Petra Dannecker joined the University of Vienna as Visiting Professor of Development Sociology in 2008 and holds the full professorship since 2012. Since 2010, she is head of the Platform/Department of Development Studies. Previously, she was assistant professor at the Department of Sociology at Bielefeld University, Germany where she also did her PhD in Sociology. Before joining the University of Vienna, she was senior research fellow at the German Development Institute in Bonn, responsible for coordinating research and knowledge transfer between the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and scientific communities.

Research Focus
  • Development sociology and development politics
  • Globalization and migration processes
  • Migration and development
  • Gender and migration/development
  • Transdisciplinarity
  • Science-policy nexus
Recent Research Projects
  • Fostering Multi-lateral Knowledge Networks of Transdisciplinary Studies to Tackle Global Challenges (KNOTS) (Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education, European Commission) (2016-2019)

  • Security Strategies among Migrant Women Entrepreneurs in Vienna (Anniversary Fund of the Austrian National Bank) (2016-2018)

  • Employing the Cultural Broker in the Governance of Migration and Integration (BrokerInG) together with Sara de Jong (Marie Curie, European Commission) (2014-2016)
Donat J, Dannecker P. “You Have to Know How to Wait”: Entangling Im/mobilities, Temporalities and Aspirations in Planned Relocation Studies. In Entangled Future Im/mobilities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mobility Studies from the Humanities and Social Sciences. 2024

Heis A, Dannecker P. The Meaning of Being a Migrant Entrepreneur: An Intersectional Approach to Mixed Embeddedness Theory. In Faghih N, Forouharfar A, editors, Contextual Strategic Entrepreneurship. Contributions to Management Science. : Perspectives on Regional Contexts, Social Elements, and Entrepreneurial Cometitiveness. 1. ed. Cham : Springer. 2022. p. 95-118

Dannecker P, Piper N. Revisiting the Migration–Development Nexus Debate Through the Prism of Gender, Politics and Agency. In Piper N, Mora C, editors, The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Migration. Palgrave Macmillan. 2021. p. 303-320

Dannecker P. Entwicklung und globale Ungleichheiten. In Flicker E, Parzer M, editors, Forschungs- und Anwendungsfelder der Soziologie. 3. ed. Wien: Facultas. 2020. p. 91-104. (Manual).

Sauer B, Dannecker P. Gender und Mobilität oder Mobilität und Gender? Programmatische Überlegungen zu einem komplexen Zusammenhang. In Ganser A, Pelz A, editors, Mobile Kulturen und Gesellschaften. Wien: V&R unipress, Vienna University Press. 2020. p. 87-102

Dannecker P, Englert B, Ganser-Blumenau A, Hasenöhrl S, Kabelik R, Maly-Bowie B et al. Kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Mobilitätsstudien konzeptualisieren. In Ganser A, Pelz A, editors, Mobile Kulturen und Gesellschaften/Mobile Cultures and Societies. V&R unipress, Vienna University Press. 2020. p. 9-56 doi: 10.14220/9783737012089.9

Dannecker P. Globalisierung: Geschichte, Ansätze und Themen aus der Perspektive der Geschlechterforschung. In Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. p. 823

Dannecker P. The Sustainable Development Goals: A New Space for Action. In Yearbook on Space Policy 2016. Springer International Publishing. 2018. p. 175-184

Dannecker P. Rückkehr und Entwicklung: Konzeptualisierungen, Erfahrungen und Perspektiven für sozialen Wandel. In Schellenbacher JC, Dahlvik J, Fassmann H, Reinprecht C, editors, Migration und Integration – wissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus Österreich. Vol. 3. Wien: V&R unipress, Vienna University Press. 2016. p. 113 - 131

Dannecker P. Was kann Entwicklungszusammenarbeit/Entwicklungspolitik zur Bekämpfung von Migrationsursachen beitragen? Projektionen und Fiktionen. In Fluchtbedingte Migration – Herausforderung für die EZA. Wien: Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung. 2016. p. 15 - 20

Dannecker P. Gender and Remittances in the Constitution of a Transnational Religous Space: The Bangladesh-Malaysia Connection. In van Naerssen et al. T, editor, Women, Gender, Remittances and Development in the Global South. Ashgate. 2015. p. 119-140

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 38