Mag. Dr. des. Daniel Pateisky

Department of International Development, University of Vienna

Following his PhD in Sociology at the University of Halle-Wittenberg, Daniel Pateisky has been concerned with the international knowledge exchange and its translation via human rights advocacy of persons with disabilities. The empirical focus of his PhD dealt with legitimising practices of translation, the inter-lingual authority of legal texts and linguistic hierarchies that can be observed among internationally mobile activist. His work also focuses on legal-anthropological overlaps between the interests of elderly persons, developmental aspects of Global Care Circulation as well as global value norms, which mirror processes of an emerging World Society. At the Institute of International Development, he teaches in the areas of Disability Studies, economic history, care labour and methodology.

In addition to his academic research, Pateisky works in supporting students with impairments at the University of Vienna, coordinates participatory assessments, consults teaching staff and other organisational units on how to deal with disability issues.
